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Are People Still Talking About Buffy?

Let's look at Spotify podcast data to find out.

Stakes, crosses, holy water, boyfriends, lip gloss. Buffy the Vampire Slayer first aired on March 10, 1997 (4 years before I was born, and 15 before I first made contact with the show via a Tumblr gifset) as a low-budget teen soap featuring titular Buffy Summers: a tiny, fashion-conscious high schooler who reluctantly patrols Sunnydale for vampires, monsters, evil robots, and other things that go bump in the night. Over the course of its explosive seven-season run, the show cemented TV tropes and formats that have endured in the shows we watch today and has since lived on in collective pop culture memory for over two decades. Buffy and her friends (+ lovers, enemies, and toxic situationships) have been memorialized in probably every single internet platform you can think of, and if you’re like me, you’ve probably spent many, many hours absorbing everyone and their mother’s thoughts on who Buffy should’ve ended up with. Which leads me to the podcasts.

I used the Spotify for Developers API to request information about shows and episodes tagged as "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". I then cleaned the data by eliminating unrelated results that managed to slip through and used pandas to perform some analysis, before creating the following visualizations on DataWrapper and Tableau.

How long have people been talking about Buffy?

When Spotify added podcasts to the app in 2015, Buffy-related episodes slowly started popping up, but it wasn't until late 2018, when Spotify launched Spotify for Podcasters and opened up its podcasting services to the public, that people really started talking about Buffy (this isn't actually true, but I'll address this caveat later). 2023 saw peak numbers in terms of Spotify episodes about the show.

Which podcasts should I listen to?

Click to read information about each podcast.

The size of each tile corresponds to the number of episodes each show has released. When clicked, the tooltip displays the show's description, total episodes, explicit status, and link to the podcast's Spotify page. If you're looking for a lengthy podcast to listen to on a trip, check out Slayerfest98! Or if you're hanging with the kids and want to listen to a shorter, non-explicit show, try out The Sunnydale Review.

The Caveat

It’s worth noting that the data I managed to pull from the Spotify API is dreadfully incomplete. For example, my favorite Buffy podcast – Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure – does not exist under shows for some reason, even though it started in 2016 (so the first chart was lying, sorry). The first season of Buffering exists under episodes, though, but the following six seasons do not. I plan to revisit this project and dig through the API again to troubleshoot these issues, but until then, please take some time to listen to these wonderful podcasts!

Here is the GitHub repo.